5 Simple fitness exercises to perform at home
Home Exercises have many benefits to your body. Various clinically studies have shown that regular exercises can help prevent wide range of health problems including cardiovascular diseases, stroke, depression, arthritis, cancer, metabolic syndrome among any others. In addition to that, exercises can help to strengthen your immune system as well as improve your overall body wellness and fitness. Everyone can benefits from exercise regardless of their sex, age of physical ability. However, tough economic times has forced many people to spend more time at work. As a result, many people in Bellevue are unable to go to the gym to workout. The good news is that it is possible to conduct fitness exercises at home that fits your needs and abilities. So whether you have a busy working schedule or you are traveling and you cannot make it to the gym or you simply prefer to do exercises at home, there are simple but very effective exercises that you can do at the comfort of your own house to improve your fitness level as discussed below.
- Low belly leg reach
- Press up
- Body weight squat
- Straight line side lifts
- Scale pose
This exercise is exercise is very effective and it targets the corset muscles and the six pack. The corset muscles actually lies beneath the abliques and they give you the much needed strength to conduct your daily activities. To conduct this exercise, all that you need to do is to lie down with your face facing up, your knee bent 90 degrees, abs contracted and your hands behind your head. Keep your knees stuck on your hips as you gently lift your shoulder. Take a deep breath and hold it for about 5 seconds. Exhale then extend your legs to 45 degrees then take a deep breath and hold it for about 5 seconds while squeezing your belly. Repeat the process 10-15 times.
This fitness exercise is very easy to do at home and requires little space. However, press up is very effective when it comes to strengthening crucial muscles in your body. This move uses multiple muscles groups in your body for maximum growth. Press ups also helps to strengthen shoulder joints. To perform this exercise at home, you to get down to a press up position with your hands place at shoulder with. Move your body gently until when you are almost an inch from the ground then gently extend your arms. Repeat this process at least 10 times.
Body weight squat helps to strengthen muscles along the thigh and the abdomen. To perform this exercise at home, all that you need to do is stand tall with your feet spread slightly wider than the width of your shoulder. Hold your arm straight at shoulder level. Ensure that your torso is upright when you are performing the movements. Brace your abs and lower you body as far as your body can by bending your knees and pushing the hips back. Repeat the process 15 to 20 times.
This exercise help to tackle hard to reach areas such as the outer thighs. In addition to that, it also help to eliminate belly fat. To conduct this simple exercise at home, all you need to do lie down on your left side keeping legs straight and your feet flexed. Rest your head gently on your left arm. Inhale and at the same time, lift both legs of the ground then slowly exhale while lowering the leg until when they are about 1 inch off the ground. Repeat the same process 12-15 times then switch side to complete a single set. Ensure that you perform at least 3 sets.
Scale pose is a simple exercise that helps to strengthen the arms, the core and the pelvic floor. To perform this exercise at home all that you need to do is to sit down in a comfortable position with your hands close to your hips. Gently tighten your pelvic floor then lift your entire body off the floor. Hold yourself in that position for 30 seconds then go down slowly. Repeat the process 3 times.
In conclusion, performing fitness exercises at home is very important. It not only help to protect your body against multiple diseases but it also helps to improve your quality of life. If you reside in Bellevue and you are searching for simple exercises to do at home, then the above mentioned exercises can help keep your body fit and healthy.
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